Ray Holmes interfaces with the source of existence and/or the higher angels, as necessary, to read a person's created position in this reality and other dimensions. Among other things, it is possible to provide information about your health, financial condition, career, specific life events, and/or the past/present/future.
Entering altered states of consciousness-- specifically the alpha state to access energy(ies) from person(s) involved in the reading-- Ray Holmes obtains information necessary to evaluate the situation in the past/present/future continuum.
The information provided in a Psychic Reading by Ray Holmes is otherwise unavailable to the individual. Further, it requires highly developed skills and experience to interpret the symbolic nature of spiritual/psychic information. Weekly Psychic Readings and interpretation sessions can be provided on an on-going basis through a monthly retainer starting at $400 US per month and up. Individual Psychic Readings can be arranged for $250 US for the first 2 1/2 hour session and $250 US per hour for each session thereafter.